Book an appointment with Denise

Denise offers support for families with a wide range of mealtime difficulties at premises in Perth, Western Australia, and further afield through telehealth consultation. 

Do you wonder what information and advice to trust? Have you had limited success with typical strategies? Do you need someone who really listens, considers everything that might be impacting on family mealtimes and helps make SENSE of your and your child’s early feeding and mealtime experiences? Are you looking for a mindful, skilled clinician to support your exploration with the SENSE-ational Mealtimes book? 

During a consultation Denise:

 considers your and your child’s early feeding and mealtime experiences, and current concerns  uses holistic considerations and insight to help families understand how they can develop possible solutions to difficult problems  provides gentle, individualised guidance to suit your unique child and family situation.

Gillian is unavailable for individual consultations but is available to share our insights at conferences, meetings, workshops and seminars with parents and also with clinicians, practitioners and caregivers who support families with mealtime difficulties. Please go to the Professional Development tab to find out more.

  • How to schedule an appointment

    ● Phone Denise’s answering service: +61 (08) 9330 7884 (0800 to 1700 hours Australian WST).● Provide your contact details, the age of your child and a brief description of your mealtime or dietary concerns, and Denise will get in touch with you.

  • Fees

    Payment of fees is required at the time of consultation:● 1-hour consultation $200 (AUD) ● 1-hour consultation plus 20-minute phone follow-up within 6 weeks via landline $250 (AUD)

  • e-mail

    Denise is unable to offer e-mail consultations and advice due to the complex nature of mealtime difficulties. If you need help, please phone for a consultation or read the SENSE-ational Mealtimes book.