
Making SENSE of tricky mealtime behaviour, fussy/picky eating and feeding difficulties

SENSE-ational Mealtimes taste critter
    How do I help my child to be willing to try new food?
    How can I help my child eat the same meal as the rest of the family?
    Why does my child only eat white and brown food like yoghurt, crackers & bread?
SENSE-ational Mealtimes sight critter
    Why won’t my child eat vegetables?
    How can I get my child to eat meat?
    Why will my child only eat food from a jar or packet?
    Why does my child pocket food in her cheek rather than swallow it?
    How can I be sure that my child is eating enough?
    Why do some children find it difficult to sit still and eat?
    How can I improve my child’s appetite?
    How can I get my baby to open his mouth at the beginning of a meal?

SENSE-ational Mealtimes

The SENSE-ational Mealtimes book helps parents and caregivers understand what they and their child are experiencing. If you know or have a child who struggles to enjoy family mealtimes, you are not alone...Nearly half of families with young children experience difficulties around mealtimes that are often accompanied by feelings of frustration, confusion, annoyance, worry, distress and anger. 

SENSE-ational Mealtimes is for you if your child: eats few foods refuses entire food groups will not eat family meals becomes anxious, has tantrums or gags when presented with new food finds security in a particular food being present at every meal.

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    Tune in to and empathise with SENSORY experiences and feelings

  • Discover how SENSORY preferences shape your child’s behaviour

  • Provide 'just right' ways to meet your child’s unique preferences

  • Nurture pleasurable mealtime experiences for your whole family

Find out how to SENSE-itively tune in, acknowledge, empathise with and label your own and your child’s feelings and sensory preferences around mealtimes. 
These insights will help you think of new possibilities for increasing the range of nutritious food your child accepts and enjoys.

  • “Your book is fantastic! It is almost like a decoder to (my son’s) personality! I finally get it. We are no longer arguing over food."

    Mum of a 4 year old

  • “The book broadened my thinking ... I don’t see his refusal as naughty, so I don’t yell and growl anymore. Instead, I consider his preferences ... ”

    Mum and Dad of a 9 month old

  • “We have found ourselves referring many of our families to your book. We want to thank you very much for this fantastic resource!”

    Occupational Therapist


Meet the Authors


Gillian Griffiths 

Gillian Griffiths is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years experience as a senior practitioner, consultant and facilitator of professional development and caregiver programs. 


Dr Denise Stapleton

Dr Denise Stapleton is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist with over 30 years experience in nutrition as a private practitioner, senior community dietitian and researcher.

Professor Fiona Stanley

Foreword by Professor Fiona Stanley

A highly respected vocal advocate for the needs of children and their families and founding Director of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Perth, Western Australia.

“The amazingly illuminating SENSE-ational Mealtimes book provides an evidence-based, inspiring and practical approach to mealtimes that creates an empathic dialogue within oneself and with one’s children. The understandings shared about sensory preferences are likely to produce long-lasting health benefits as parents discover how to build healthy communication, trust and successful eating within their family.”

I whole-heartedly recommend the SENSE-ational Mealtimes book to all who are involved in the nutritional and emotional well-being of children of all ages.

Professor Fiona Stanley

Book an Appointment

You may like to consider a consultation with Dr Denise Stapleton, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Nutritionist and co-author of SENSE-ational Mealtimes.